Saturday, June 2, 2012

4th special of thatguywiththeglasses promises to surpass all expectatives.

Doug walker (the director behind the 4th year anniversary special of TGWTG) has talked a bit more about what it will be. The premise will be Sci-Fi, with a possible quest for the necronomicon, the special is rumored to last about 2 and a half hours. Doug also said "This special will most likely be the last big scale project for a while, so we wanted to make it as great and epic as possible, it is safe so say that this is going to surpass all expectative"

As for the cast, presumably everyone who was present in the third year anniversary will still be present on this one, with probably a few unknown additions. The Angry video game nerd will most likely not make an appearance, since he was busy making his own film during the shot of the 4th anniversary.

                                                         Let's just hope they don't find ET on their way home.
The release date is set for late June-Early July. And it will be followed by a release of a commentary done by the entire cast.

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